LS static & Dynamic

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sun May 02 1999 - 12:44:31 BST

DISAGREEMENTS. And if the static/dynamic split isn't the most
fundamental aspect of the MOQ, I don't know what is. Something tells me
this month is going to be a metaphysical riot. It should also be a
fruitful debate because the topic is so fundamental, so basic to the
MOQ. I'm psyched.

As I understand it...

1) All of reality is composed of Quality. The universe IS Quality. All
is Quality.

2) The MOQ divides all of reality into two kinds of Quality; static and

3) All of phenomenal reality is composed of static Quality. Any "thing"
in the universe that can be measured, defined or concieved IS static
Quality. All of the known and knowable universe is made of static

4) Dynamic Quality is ultimately undefinable, beyond words and concepts.
DQ is the mystical reality. It is the ground of all being. It is the
source of all "things". It is the living force behind all evolution and
also the goal of that evolution.

5) In the MOQ Quality is always spelled with a capitol "Q". Although
Pirsig has effectively invented a new concept, his word "Quality" still
bears a resemblance to the common meaning. In both cases the word
implies excellence, goodness and refinement. Of course these
connotations apply to both static and Dynamic Quality.

6) DQ is equated with the mystical reality, which is often described in
terms like undifferentiated consciousness, pure love or the object of
the soul's desire, nothingness, the void, the One. DQ can only be
pointed to with these words and concepts. You know - its the degeneracy
we all love so much; defining the indefinable.

7) Ontologically speaking, the MOQ replaces subjects and objects, cause
and effect with the four levels of static patterns of Quality and the
force of DQ acting upon them.

8) Cosmologically speaking, the MOQ says the evolution of the universe
is the movement of all static patterns toward DQ. AN INFINITE SERIES of
Quality events propells growth and evolution of all static patterns. The
moral codes are essentially designed to protect this evolution. The
codes dictate that higher level patterns ought to win in any conflict
and that Dynamic is always better that static.

9) Epistemologically speaking, the MOQ says that our perceptions are
mediated by or transmitted through the levels of static patterns, which
compose our being. Our normal way of seeing reality is not direct and
immediate. This is due to bad metaphysical choices in the past and due
to the fact that intellectual patterns of value are perched high atop
the evolutionary ladder. The intellect percieves reality as they are
filtered through all the preceeding levels.

10) Finally, I think its important to remember that all these
distinctions and definitions are just intellectual models of reality and
the map should not be mistaken for the road. Ultimately all is Quality.
SQ and DQ are just two types of the same thing. Its a little like ice
floating in water. Its all just H2O. I like to think of DQ as infinite
potential and each and every SQ pattern that ever was or will be as a
manifestation of some of that potential. DQ is un-patterned,
un-different-iated, un-manifested and infinite whereas SQ is a finite,
patterned, differentiated, manifested aspect of eternity. SQ
precipitates out of DQ. SQ patterns are particularized inflections of
DQ. I'm sure there are even more ways to say it, but I can't think of
any right now.

David B.


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