LS Second Anniversary

From: Horse (
Date: Thu Aug 19 1999 - 00:36:21 BST

Hi Folks

Just a quick note to all members of MOQ_DISCUSS and our sister
forum LILASQUAD to say that we have just reached the second
anniversary of the Lila Squad - and they said it wouldn't last!!!!

The original Lilasquad list was launched two years ago on the 18th
August 1997 by Diana McPartlin.

The first post was sent out announcing the formation of the list on the
above date and the posts 'officially' started arriving on the 20th
August 1997. Several of the original members of that list are still with

I want to take the time to thank Diana for getting the whole thing
rolling and persevering(?) in circumstances that would have made
most folk give it all up and go live in a cave. I've personally been with
the Squad for about 18 months but have learned more about the
MOQ in that time than I ever would have done on my own.

I'd also like to thank everyone who has joined in (and those in
Lurkerville that haven't, but might one day) for being part of the
Lilasquad movement and sharing your thoughts and time to make
this the best place on the 'net to learn about the work of Robert

Here's to the next 2 years and more beyond that.


Horse -

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