LS Time to stand and be counted.

From: pclark (
Date: Sat Sep 25 1999 - 19:49:45 BST

Roger and squad,
  I have been following your exchanges as best I can understand them and I
seem to disagree with both positions. Both sides are attributing all
patterns of value to the human intellect and this is okay as long as we
specify that we are talking about human understanding in particular but to
my mind this is a far cry from the complete sweep of the MoQ.
  First, to answer your questions:

1. Are all patterns of value also intellectual patterns.

  A. The patterns of value that come under the cognizance of the human
intellect are but a small part of the complete range of patterns of value
(Quality) so my answer to this question is no. I would say that all
patterns of value are potentially intellectual patterns but our minds will
no doubt never encompass all expressions of Quality or patterns of value in
the universe. Those patterns of value of which we are aware are also
intellectual patterns. Those patterns of value which are outside the ken of
the human intellect are not, obviously, intellectual patterns.

2. Were the four levels of the MOQ discovered or created.

  A. The four levels of the MOQ were created by the mind of man out of the
patterns of value that were already in existence due to the operation of
Quality. These patterns of value exist independently of man and man applied
his limited understanding of the complete sweep of Quality to those
patterns of value of which he became aware. In this sense, and strictly in
the context of man, the levels were first discovered and then created.
  My interpretation of the MoQ holds that Quality came into being at the
birth of the universe and is the force that drives the universe toward
increasing entropy. The action of entropy in the universe is Quality which,
in turn, is responsible for all of the causation that has resulted.
  We could say that Quality is the Second Law of Thermodynamics if we
interpret the second law as the drive toward entropy that results from any
concentration of energy. This drive can be interrupted by any of a myriad
of latches that can remain effective for varying periods of time from an
instant to the life of the universe.
  We interpret the patterns of value of the universe as having Quality,
goodness, and truth because we are the product of the operation of Quality
and thus the results of the operation of Quality establish the conditions
that have produced the Universe, and us.
  We are inescapably embedded in a Universe that, to us, is good, and true,
and has Quality. Ken -

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