Re: MD Individuality

From: Scott R (
Date: Thu Nov 21 2002 - 02:54:35 GMT

  • Next message: "Re: MD (Patrick is it.) Focus forum - round three"


    I've seen both spellings. The accent is on the second syllable, so the third
    doesn't sound out much.

    I've read the Huntington book (or at least his long introduction), and
    recommend it, as a good example of comparison of Nagarjuna with
    deconstruction, etc. I also recommend Robert Magliola's "Derrida on the
    Mend", which is another.

    So now I better back off a bit on calling Emptiness "absolute", since that
    is a very un-Nagarjuna-ish thing to do. I'll weasel out with the usual: it
    is wrong to say that Emptiness (or anything, like Quality) is absolute. It
    is wrong to say it is not absolute. It is wrong to say it is both, or

    - Scott

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Matt the Enraged Endorphin" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 9:25 AM
    Subject: Re: MD Individuality

    > Scott,
    > I've said before that I'm intrigued by this emptiness thing. As it
    > happens, I've picked up a new book on Rorty ("Richard Rorty" by Alan
    > Malachowski). Its introductory, so most of it is stuff I've already
    > up from Rorty himself. BUT, one thing I ran across a couple of days ago
    > was a section titled "Philosophical Propaganda" which started with a
    > From Nagarjuna:
    > "I have no proposition, and therefore I have no fallacy."
    > The rest of the section (though short) was a comparison of Rorty to
    > Madhyamika (which I take to be the same as Madhyamaka, its just a spelling
    > difference, right?). Malachowski takes most of his comparison from C.W.
    > Huntington's book "The Emptiness of Emptiness: An Introduction to Early
    > Indian Madhyamika." I won't go into what was said exactly, but needless
    > say my intriguement has increased. Specifically, though, everything that
    > Malachowski said I can agree with out of hand. But then, he didn't bring
    > anything up like an absolute. So, there's still that.
    > I have no problem with Buddhism being a precursor to Rorty or anybody
    > That's why I do intellectual history. I do have a problem with believing
    > in Buddhism just because they "figured it all out" so far in advance (I
    > doubt this is why you believe it, though).
    > Matt
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