Re: MD Huxley says:

From: Elizaphanian (
Date: Mon Dec 02 2002 - 18:21:37 GMT

  • Next message: Nathan Lund: "Re: MD jackass or jackrabbit?"

    Joe - that's a heartwarming thought. (Aquinas was responsible for most of
    the Corpus Christi liturgy). Are you a chorister?


    "Ask yourselves when are we going to see the first journal of bio-hacking
    oriented toward teenage males, so they can create molecules in their
    bedroom. Well, that journal came out in 1998. Be very afraid." (Bill Joy)

    > joe:I am not too much into dates, but I have read that toward the end of
    > life Aquinas was asked to compose the office for a new feast, Corpus
    > Christi. The sequence he wrote for the office, Lauda Sion, is a
    > piece. I keep practicing it hoping I wll be able to sing it at mass each
    > year. It is long and latin is not used too much in our parish, so no
    > In most verses he uses the same endings to different words for a
    > of sound. Usually two repetitions are enough to satisfy his ear. In
    > 22 he takes off on the ending "atur." In figuris praesignatur, Cum Isaac
    > immolatur, Agnus Paschae deputatur. I think I am finished the the "atur"
    > sound, but he adds a further phrase, Datur manna patribus. When I
    > it I hear him chuckle and say: "You didn't expect that did you?" or
    > "Gee that was fun." Perhaps, this process was the dq he remenbered at

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