RE: MD Can Only Humans Respond to DQ?

From: Erin N. (
Date: Tue Dec 03 2002 - 15:53:23 GMT

  • Next message: jhmau: "Re: MD Huxley says:"

    >===== Original Message From =====
    >"Erin N." <> wrote:
    >>PIRSIG:Even the idea of insanity as "possession by the
    >>>Devil" can be explained by the Metaphysics of Quality as a lower biological
    >>>pattern, "the Devil," trying to overcome a higher pattern of conformity to
    >>>cultural belief.

    >>ERIN: Eh Glenn, a couple of quotes marks can go a long way
    >>can't they?  Let's not try and remove them so we can fit
    >>what Pirsig's says to what we believe.;-P
    >>Just wondering is there in the archives a
    >>comparison/contrast of Pirsig's "insanity" (looky
    >>at the quotes Glenn) and Lila's "insanity".
    >You say these "quotes marks can go a long way", and then don't
    >say why. How Pirsig of you. It seems to me that Pirsig is saying
    >the Devil is a biological pattern simply so he can win a point, a
    >point that is undeserved. He wants to use the moral taxonomy to
    >claim (with certitude) that belief in "possession by the Devil" is
    >immoral compared to cultural norms. To do this he must put "the
    >Devil" in a lower level. So he does. He provides no justification
    >for this. How is the Devil a biological pattern? How is "possession
    >by the Devil" a biological pattern? There are modern theories that
    >say insanity is biologically based, but these do not involve the
    >devil or contain notions that the insane are possessed by them.

    To me the quotes said that he didn't believe in calling it Devil,
    but he could explain the phenomenon.
    If a scientist came and wanted to explain why some people
    claimed to see a UFOs and in his explanation of this
    phenonenon that people called UFOs he would write "UFOs" ya know. Then you
    come and say spooky Mr. Scientist thinks there are UFOs.
    I didn't explain it because I thought it was
    self-explanatory--I am not a "crook" for doing what I did Glenn.
    But your act was wrong to me-it's distortion.
    As for insanity I think there can be a 'cause'
    stemming from the different levels but I bet also that
    there are physical manifestations of it.
    You are right, not all would be based in biological, but
    that doesn't mean it doesn't affect the biological in the
    similar or same way.
    I was interested in this thats why I asked if anybody
    had ever compared Lila's and Phaedrus's insanity.
    It's interesting that he knows exactly what she's going
    through despite him being an intellectual 'elite' and
    her 'intellectually nowhere' whatever that means.


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