Re: MD Can Only Humans Respond to DQ?

From: Trivik Bhavneni (
Date: Tue Dec 03 2002 - 18:19:23 GMT

  • Next message: Trivik Bhavneni: "Re: MD Huxley says:"

    > > metaphours cause muddles.
    > you are "saying" something but i am not clear what it is?
    that metaphours cause muddles. not that they may cause, but do cause.
    actully sorry, i was wrong - they cause muddles unless they are used
    for effect only. I think someone else made a clear metaphor in support of
    what you were saying - that once one reaches the intelectual level, one
    does not dispose of ones body minus head. Though what the point was, was
    that it is not as obvious, as everyone seams to think, why or weather it
    is true that for me to be 50 years old i should have had to have been 5
    years old at one time, or that i should have a past.

    > That you have a problem with Yoda?
    > With me?
    to have a problem with Yoda would be to have a problem with quality -
    heaven forbid.
    and don't be radiculous - your name is the same as that of the brand of
    biscuit my Mother used to have with tea every afternoon, so makes me a tad
    nostalgic perhapse(yes 19 yr olds can have that emotion), but nothing

    > "trying" is a good... excuse for not doing
    > It's a cop out word
    as you correctly pointed out, that depends on how it is used.

    > quit the moment it realized that there was no way it could win.
    nice example. chess is a solvable game, i.e. like knots and crosses there
    is a definate solution so you always win or at worst draw. however
    computing it would take more time than the univers has existed for blah
    blah (but the cool thing is - in come quantum computers and that is not
    true anymore :-) - but quant comps are decades away at the least)

    so the machine acts on incmplete information.
    So it's not that people try. they do, based on incomp info. Yodas maxim is
    stuck to. I do raise the percect child, however turns out that i just
    made a wannabe selfloathing perfectionist out of him, so it ends up that i tried
    to raise the perfect child. Your man did do what needed to be done to
    exingwish the firer, but turns out something else needed to be done, or
    perhapse it was imposible, so he ended up simply trying.

    so when people say try no matter what its not sugesting the charge of the
    light bragade. if you have information enough to say it is imposible then
    rule it out as you say, however so long as you do not have that
    information, fill in the gaps as best you can.

    the difference i think is that even though the give it a try thing is
    saying do, the word try is used because it's a bit more honest. less of a
    lie. it's recognising that i may be doing something differeint to what i
    think i am doing. Not a cop out, but inspirational (yes, i do not beleive
    that :-)

    > But somewhere we disagree on something..
    > ..we are not grokking that's for sure.
    on that point definatelly. i don't see a dissagreement with what we are
    saying, but with the way each of us are grokking society.

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