Re: MD Huxley says:

From: Elizaphanian (
Date: Wed Dec 04 2002 - 09:35:00 GMT

  • Next message: Blaize M. Kaye: "Re: MD Can Only Humans Respond to DQ?"

    Hi Joe,

    > joe:as for your quotation I'm not familiar with (Bill Joy), but I think
    > teenage males have been creating molecules in their bedroom since the
    > of 1997.

    Bill Joy is the president (and founder and chief scientist) of Sun
    Microsystems. It's from a very interesting article he wrote in Wired
    magazine in April 2000, called "Why the future doesn't need us", about the
    dangers of unregulated technology (ie our cultural illusion that science
    isn't subject to value-driven oversight but must be left on its own). I
    would thoroughly recommend a read:

    If you do a google search you'll come across some criticisms, which are also
    interesting, but I think his fundamental point is sound (and MoQ-friendly).
    Hence my new post-script.


    "Ask yourselves when are we going to see the first journal of bio-hacking
    oriented toward teenage males, so they can create molecules in their
    bedroom. Well, that journal came out in 1998. Be very afraid." (Bill Joy)

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