Re: MD Systematic about the Sophists (essentialism)

From: Matt the Enraged Endorphin (
Date: Tue Dec 17 2002 - 15:54:36 GMT

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    David, Sam,

    "We can have a conversation about different mythologies, I don't deny that
    they all resemble each other, or have elements in common, but I just want
    to point out that there doesn't HAVE to be an 'essence' of myth...."

    Right. I think David is begging the question in his favor by positing that
    all mythologies have an essence. Sure, all mythologies have the same
    source: the surroundings of the myth-creators i.e. Quality. But to say
    that this is an essence is to take a step further that begs the question
    over antiessentialists, like myself.

    Following Pirsig's comments about Plato encapsulating the Good, David said,
    "He provides an intellectual description of Dynamic Quality, but not quite
    a definition. Unlike Plato, he insists some things can never be
    encapsulated in this way and admits that such efforts to pin it down are
    degenerate activities." I think the entire notion of Dynamic Quality not
    being able to be encapsulated is the notion that it does not have an
    essence. Plato tried to give it an essence and spawned off the Western
    tradition of metaphysics. I think to continue to maintain that DQ has an
    essence while maintaining that it can never be enunciated, will diffuse any
    possible philosophical work claiming DQ is an essence could have done.
    And, therefore, I don't see the purpose in maintaining both.


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