RE: MD the metaphysics of free enterprise

From: johnny moral (
Date: Wed Aug 04 2004 - 20:31:52 BST

  • Next message: ml: "Re: MD MOQ psycology (?)"

    Hi Mark,

    you asked me:
    "On the other hand, there are those astronomers who'll tell you we're
    seeing galaxies that have existed for 10 billion years. How does
    that square with the fact that the world's sentient inhabitants have
    been around for less than 4 billion?"

    It makes sense that there be galaxies 10 Billion years old, so we create
    them that way in our consciousness, in order to fit our beliefs, the primary
    belief being that we live in a universe that makes sense and is continual
    and reasonable. If it made sense for them to be 12 Billion years old,
    that's what we'd believe was their true age, that would be their true age.
    Their age, their entire historical existence, is created now, to fit with
    the rest of Quality as it is experienced by consciousness now.

    This is also how I respond to Creation deniers who think that Creation must
    be wrong because science has proven that the age of the earth is older than
    the 10,000 years the Bible says it is*. Do they really think that the
    Garden of Eden was started from seeds, and that Adam and Eve had to wait
    years for the fig trees and apple trees to grow and bear fruit? God created
    those trees fully grown, with rings of history already in them, just as he
    created Adam and Eve fully grown. God is perfectly capable of creating 10
    billion year old galaxies, if that fits right with the consciousnesses of
    the co-creators of the universe.

    *Interestingly, this is the age of the Intellectual level, AKA the Word, or
    symbollic language. So the MoQ is consistent with the Bible in this regard.
      Quality has always had all four levels, it did not begin with level one
    and then develop levels two through four gradually over time. That is how
    the universe's history is postulated, and it is historically true, according
    to sane people, that it happened that way, but that history is created with
    every Quality Event.


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