Re: MD No to absolutism

From: john williams (
Date: Sun Jan 12 2003 - 22:06:15 GMT

  • Next message: zykaine telex: "MD RE: Dynamic Quality..... SOM vs Indians....."

    Platt said:

    But I'm puzzled by your statement
    > that ends with "keeping their own family safe." I would hope my
    > community would "pin you to the wall" if you threatened me and my
    > family. Your personal freedom doesn't mean that you are free to
    > endanger someone in your community.

    Sorry, I didn't explain in enough detail , You don't have to threaten
    anothers family. To stick with the holocaust theme that has appeared in this
    thread. Say I was a member of the German community in 1936 and I thought it
    was wrong what was being said and done about jews and I mentioned it down
    the pub to a couple of my mates. I have no doubt that one of my mates would
    have put me in to the authorities as a sympithiser, for two reasons, one
    because they agree with the government that the jews are the problem and two
    to get themselves brownie points with the local officials. So you see I
    don't have to threaten anyone.
    Now move to Australian society in 2003 (and America I would say looks the
    same from here) the members of my community would behave the same way today,
    I have no doubt about it. I don't no what circles you move in, but the
    working class people I'm living with jump on every racist, bigotted,
    Zenophobic band wagon thats going past and I can have a fight any day of the
    week I like to mention that we should try to understand better or be more

    John from The Rock

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Platt Holden" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 12:08 AM
    Subject: Re: MD No to absolutism

    > Hi John W:
    > > Self interest is a greater motivator, If it is seen that being good is
    > > best option then thats how the majority will go. I have no doubt that my
    > > community would pin me to the wall if it would keep their own family
    > > Personal freedom will be the first thing to go in our brave new world.
    > I agree that self-interest is a great motivator. It's the engine behind
    > progress in the human condition. >
    > Platt
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