Re: MD Fox News and Logical Analysis

From: Arlo J. Bensinger (
Date: Thu Aug 19 2004 - 19:42:52 BST

  • Next message: David Morey: "Re: MD Plotinus, Pirsig and Wilber"


    I wrote:
    > > But, standing up and
    > > being honest and taking our share of blame and beginning to rectify the
    > > gross injustices we have committed there, I believe would be a grand first
    > > step in keeping the majority of the population in favor of peaceful
    > > co-existance with us.

    Platt responded:
    > We're to blame for "gross injustices" and thus guilty of provoking
    > terrorism. So don't blame the terrorists. Our crimes justify their
    > murderous acts.
    > That's defending terrorists.

    Arlo respondes:

    How? How is that "defending terrorists"? Just because I know our involvement in
    this area to be enough to make any sane individual pissed off? Platt, just
    because I realize that I've caused someone to be "pissed off", does not mean I
    support their illegal and reprehensible actions while so pissed. But it does
    mean that any sane solution must begin with recognizing our involvement. All
    your "war" will do is fan the flames of fanaticism (in both countries), not
    extinguish them.

    I condemn fantatism from religious nuts (Islamic or Christian) and nationalistic
    nuts (so called "patriots") and racial nuts (white supremecists and the
    like)... Those responsible from the WTC should be caught and punished.

    But our involvment in this area is itself nothing short of terroristic. We
    supply arms to Saddam, and send in ops to train his fighters to kill Iranians
    when it serves our interest to destabilize Iran's power. We supply arms to
    Iranian guerrillas and train them to kill Iraqis when it so serves our
    political interests in the area. We bed the House of Saud and overlook all the
    crimes he commits against his population (where's your high-and-mighty "not
    this time" attitude here?) just to appease oil wealth.

    Yes, the irony about your high-mighty "not this time" is that we gave Saddam
    many of those weapons he was using to wage terror against his citizens. We
    didn't care at all. Until it served our political interests. Now we act like so
    shocked and caring about "liberating" these people. You forgive me if I laugh a
    bit. "Not this time".... riiiiiiiiiiiight.

    Guns to Iranians to kill Iraqis. Guns to Iraqis to kill Iranians. Puppet
    dictators installed when our economic interests are threatened. US Ops training
    both Iranian and Iraqi guerrillas, to pit them off each other depending on our
    perceived need of the moment. Continued Bush-Saud bedding over oil wealth,
    neglecting much worse crimes against a people than Saddam committed, all the
    while holding some delusional patriotic high-and-mighty "not this time"
    attitude. Utterly laughable.

    Your "war on terror" is a political joke. It depends on manipulating misguided
    "patriotism" in this country, dialectically avoiding any solution other than
    "kill 'em all", and refuses to look at solutions other than the all mighty war
    machine. The ghost of Goerring is laughing.

    You want to begin disfavoring terrorism. Be a man and step and admit what we
    did, admit it was wrong, and begin working to rectify it. There will always be
    fanatics, both here and abroad, dropping bombs and acting high and mighty will
    do nothing to eliminate that. We have fools in this country, and they have
    fools in theirs. Do you think if an African nation began dropping bombs on
    Alabama for harboring "white supremecist terrorists" that would make the
    enrollment in the KKK go down?? The majority favors peace and co-existance. To
    think otherwise is to fall prey to the relentless propaganda of fear that is
    being drilled into the dialogue. Hordes of fanatical Islamic extremists waiting
    at the gates to overrun America... please. I am more afraid of the fanatical
    patriot lunies and christian fundamentalists in this country.

    So, "defending terrorists". Get real, no one who reads this will believe this.
    You just make yourself seem foolish saying so.

    I find it ironic that the US State Department issued a travel advisory last year
    urging US citizen abroad to tell people they "are from Canada" to avoid
    problems. And yet we continually say they are "anti-freedom". Seems the mass
    citizenry of these areas have no problem with the free country of Canada.


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