Re: MD The self is all levels.

Date: Mon Sep 06 2004 - 21:54:01 BST

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    Would it be possible for the "stuff" contained in the social level to be
    90% morally superior and 10% morally inferior?
    Mark 6-9-04: Hi Marsha, The description we are using here is a patterned
    static description, as all description are. The stuff you refer to are static
    patterns of quality. The moral hierarchy of the MOQ is derived from the
    evolutionary relationship of patterns - Intellectual patterns are more Dynamic and
    more free than Social patterns. Even the most primative Intellectual patterns
    are more moral than sophisticated social patterms. That is to say, the best
    social patterns are morally inforior to the worst Intellectual patterns.
    If Social patterns hijack intellectual patterns for their own good, this act
    is immoral. If Intellectual patterns reject conventional social patterns in
    order to evolve, this is act is moral.
    DQ does not appear in this description, but evolution requires DQ otherwise
    it would not happen at all. When i say the self is all levels, it is all
    levels responding to DQ. Of all the possible responses to DQ their are 'better'
    responses than others, and the best ones offer the best chance of survival into
     higher patterns of evolution.
    So, when you ask, "Would it be possible for the "stuff" contained in the
    social level to be 90% morally superior and 10% morally inferior?" i would
    answer yes. The evolution of value has left in its wake a whole graveyard of
    static patterns.
    And would it be possible
    for the "stuff" contained in the intellectual level to be 90% morally
    inferior and only 10% morally superior? If so, would the intellectual
    level still be a higher level? If yes, why?

    Mark 6-9-04: No Intellectual patterns are inferior to social patterns. The
    Intellectual level is so much more open to Dynamic response than Social
    patterns as to make social patterns appear to be evolving in slow motion. Consider
    the rate at which society evolves over biological evolution? How many
    civilizations have come and gone; how many languages and customs over the last 10,000
    years, while biological Human patterns have remained rather static. If you
    stood a Homeric next to a 21st century Human, given the same clothes you would
    not be able to distinguish them.
    How much more Dynamic are the ideas of our hypothetical friends? And how
    much faster they respond to DQ.
    All the best,

    At 09:55 AM 9/6/2004 -0400, you wrote:
    >Hi Marsha,
    >The Intellectual and social levels of evolution are discrete. They may
    >support or attack eachother however, and this may be the source of what
    >you feel to be 'facets'? Intellectual patterns are more Dynamic than
    >Social patterns and this is one reason why they are morally superior -
    >Intellectual patterns increase freedom - they are a better stage along the
    >evolutionary route to DQ.
    >All the best,

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