Re: MD Women on the List

From: Horse (
Date: Wed Oct 06 2004 - 08:40:51 BST

  • Next message: Daniel Kindred: "Re: MD On Faith"

    Fine by me.


    On 6 Oct 2004 at 8:58, Khoo Hock Aun wrote:

    > Hi Horse
    > How about each one of us inviting one women friend who we know likely to
    > contribute to be on the list ?
    > Rgds
    > Khoo Hock Aun
    > Quoting Horse <>:
    > > Hi Marsha
    > >
    > > On 5 Oct 2004 at 4:41, MarshaV wrote:
    > >
    > > >
    > > > At 09:22 PM 10/4/2004 +0100, you wrote:
    > > > >Do you feel you have been intimidated at all? You probably know more about
    > > > >why women wouldn't join the list than most of the male contingent so how
    > > > >about a bit of insight into the subject.
    > > >
    > > > Yes, I do feel intimidated. I suppose that most of it comes from within,
    > > > not from the list members. Actually, I've felt encouragement from people
    > > > on this list. Yet, it is scary to think I'm the only woman speaking her
    > > > mind.
    > >
    > > But nonetheless bringing a worthwhile perspective to the forum. It's
    > > good to have you here.
    > >
    > > >
    > > > I'm past the age of being 'barefoot and pregnant'. And I would hope that
    > > > both men and women find Quality in the kitchen.
    > > >
    > > > I need a little time to think this through, time to separate the personal
    > > > from the political. BUT, I cannot believe, no matter what answers you're
    > > > looking for, you'll find complete, whole answers without the women's voice.
    > >
    > > Couldn't agree more. Now all we need are more women on the forum. I assume a whack
    > > on the head with a club and being dragged in by the hair is out of the question so if
    > > anyone has any good ideas for attracting more female members then I'm
    > > all ears.
    > >
    > >
    > > Horse

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