Re: MD On Faith

From: Wim Nusselder (
Date: Thu Oct 14 2004 - 09:14:54 BST

  • Next message: MarshaV: "Re: MD On Faith"

    Dear Sam,

    Let me follow your lead to return to these discussions. I much enjoyed your
    14 Oct 2004 08:08:16 +0100 contribution.

    You hypocrite: 'can't resist the temptation to add my own two pennies
    You mean that you -backed by The Church- have a monopoly on Wisdom and are
    glad for this opportunity to express it. (-;
    So have/am I.

    I'd like to question a few things:

    1) You -quite uncritically- quote Scott: "What I find annoying are critics
    of religion who have not studied it. No modern non-fundamentalist theologian
    is ignorant of the value of science, but how many critics of religion are
    familiar with modern theology?"
    As a Quaker I object to equating religion and theology. Theology guides my
    life just as little as chemistry. If anyone wants to criticize my religion,
    please study its practice.

    2) How can distinguishing types of 'beliefs' clarify 'faith'? For me 'faith'
    means 'trust' (in divine guidance, when I open myself for it) and has
    nothing to do with any cognitive content.

    3) Science and religion ARE comparable. Both intend to deal with the
    unmeasurable and the unique. Science by reducing it; religion by giving it
    meaning. In their (usual) worst forms they both exploit it: scientists and
    hireling ministers alike get status and income from pretending to be able to
    deal with what others feel unable to deal with.

    4) Asserting 4th level patterns of value (either scientifically or
    theologically based) is 'violent' too in a sense. It restricts people's
    ability to follow DQ.

    5) Both science and religion in their best forms are more than 3rd and 4th
    level patterns of value: they reach out to the 'Meaning of Life' beyond.
    Science and theology (!) by trying to catch and define it; true religion by
    trying to 'live' it.

    With friendly greetings,


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