Re: MD On Faith

From: macavity11 (
Date: Fri Oct 15 2004 - 16:31:40 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "RE: MD A bit of reasoning"

    I love that a question that I never inquired about you feel free to send plenty of posts to correct me (from a position I never stated but you assumed) but the one question that I have been inquiring this is all you can say.

    Charles Roghair <> wrote:



    On Oct 14, 2004, at 7:07 PM, macavity11 wrote:

    > CHUCK:
    > I inferred from that post, that since I had a problem with one
    > religion, or
    > even a few religions, by your logic, I shouldn’t rightfully endorse
    > tenets
    > of another religion (though, I wouldn’t actually classify Buddhism as a
    > religion) I find more viable. I simply pointed out one of the many
    > differences I see between Christianity, Islam, or any monotheism and
    > Buddhism.
    > I WAS NOT suggesting you shouldn't say you don't like one religion and
    > not another. I think that is a private decision and I personally
    > don't want to debate that with you. (the anti-religion was not about
    > anti a particular religion but just anti-religion general). What
    > I WAS responding to the idea you suggested in parantheses-- you
    > wouldn't classify buddhism as religion. THAT is what prompted my
    > first email, it seemed there was a prooposal of these two categories
    > being compared of science (+ buddhism) and religion. But I thought
    > buddhism belonged in the religion category. And so I would be
    > interested in thoughts of why you don't think it should be classified
    > as a religion but I am not intersted in any more comments about how
    > many stars you give it as a religion (that's a different question, one
    > I am NOT interested in debating with you)
    > Erin
    > ________________________________________
    > From:
    > []
    > On Behalf Of macavity11
    > Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2004 1:59 PM
    > To:
    > Subject: Re: MD On Faith
    > Thanks for letting me know what you know and what you don't know. I
    > don't
    > really know what you want me to do with this information.
    > I guess I like to find the commonalities of religions, because what I
    > find
    > valuable in religion is that connecting to the whole.
    > I am not interested in a debate what is the best religion for that
    > reason.
    > The purpose of my emails have not been to debate whether I find
    > Buddhism
    > more or less valuable than other religions (I stated in the other
    > email that
    > I really like it a lot).
    > I was responding to the idea that you can't say old ways
    > of religion aren't
    > useful but Buddhism is helpful.
    > Erin
    > Charles Roghair wrote:
    > Erin:
    > On Oct 13, 2004, at 4:27 PM, macavity11 wrote:
    > > I'm sorry I just don't think you can say anti religion this and anti
    > > religion that and then talk about the praises of a religion you
    > like-
    > > just seems too mixed of a message to me and even seems very
    > > unbuddhistlike for that matter! (is that a word?)
    > >
    > I don't know what is Buddhist-like or not. I do know Buddhists don't
    > kill people in God's name.
    > Best regards,
    > Chuck
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