RE: MD Making sense of it

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Sun Jan 19 2003 - 12:02:06 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Making Sense of It"

    Hi DMB:

    > Platt said:
    > In MoQ terms, the individual is the intellectual level, the public the
    > social, placing the individual at a higher moral level than the mob.
    > DMB says:
    > Would you like to back up the idea that the 3rd and 4th levels are defined
    > this way? I think its not essentially about individuals-vs-groups and that
    > you've confused Robert Pirsig with Ayn Rand here.

    Last time I looked, intellectuals were individuals.

    > Pirsig:
    > "To put philosophy in the service of any social organization or any
    > dogma is immoral. It's a lower form of evolution trying to devour a higher
    > one." (29)
    > DMB says:
    > Its hard to tell exactly what you make of this quote, but it seems you're
    > using to undermine the idea that intellectually guided societies are
    > morally superior to traditionally guided societies. In any case, I think
    > the quote expresses an idea that is easily seen in a specific example.
    > Remember when he discusses his fraternity brothers who were happy to sell
    > out. Instead of doing science for the sake of science, they were willing to
    > do it for the sake of a buck? He says its wrong for a social organization,
    > in this case a company, that only USES science to make money. This is a
    > specific case of "a lower form of evolution trying to devour a higher one"
    > and makes the meaning of the quote quite clear.

    Intellectuals are not interested in making money? That's a new one on
    me. I think with your anti-profit, anti-capitalism stance you're confusing
    Pirsig with Marx.



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