MD Biocosm

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Sat Oct 23 2004 - 13:42:45 BST

  • Next message: Chris Vlaar: "Re: MD Biocosm"


    While roaming around in the Internet today I happened across, a site devoted to a book by James Gardner. Since it was,
    like the MOQ,. about evolution, my curiosity was aroused. On the site I
    clicked on "Ideas and Implications" to get a summary of the book's theme.
    The first paragraph, read as follows:

    "What is humankind's place in the universe? That fundamental question
    underlies both scientific inquiry and millennia of religious thought. The
    traditional answer of science is that life and human intelligence are of
    no cosmic consequence but merely the random outcome of the interplay of
    natural forces. Mainstream religions answer the same question in many
    different ways but most share the view that the mind of the Creator of the
    universe is ultimately inaccessible to mortal minds. BIOCOSM challenges
    both viewpoints and suggests that the emergence of life and mind is a
    cosmic imperative encoded in the basic laws of nature and, further, that
    highly evolved intelligence will eventually play the key role in
    reproducing the cosmos."

    I don't know about you, but the last sentence immediately translated in my
    mind to the following:

    "Moral values are a cosmic imperative encoded in the basic laws of

    Further along in the "Ideas and Implications" summary came the following

    "The inescapable implication of the Selfish Biocosm hypothesis is that the
    immense saga of biological evolution on Earth is one tiny chapter in an
    ageless tale of the struggle of the creative force of life against the
    disintegrative acid of entropy, of emergent order against encroaching
    chaos, and ultimately of the heroic power of mind against the brute
    intransigence of lifeless matter."

    Here is reflected the MOQ thesis that Pirsig presents in Chapter 11 of
    LILA that "life in evolving away from any law" and that "The patterns of
    life are constantly evolving in response to something 'better' that that
    which these laws have to offer."

    It would seem with this cursory glance that Mr. Gardner, like Mr. Pirsig,
    is taking a second look at the materialist's explanation of evolution,
    finding it lacking, and suggesting a new, more encompassing explanation of
    how we got here and why.

    I think I will get a copy of Mr. Gardner's book.


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