RE: MD Wisconsin School OKs Creationism Teaching

From: Scott Roberts (
Date: Tue Nov 09 2004 - 16:35:48 GMT

  • Next message: Sam Norton: "Fw: MD the worst thing about 9/11 according to the MoQ"


    > Perhaps we need to be reminded from time to time that Pirsig himself
    > offers an "alternate theory of origin," and that defining an entire group
    > of fellow citizens with a different view than your own as lunatics,
    > and purveyors of insanity is a gross form of bigotry. The irony of such
    > pejoratives coming from those who preach inclusion, tolerance and
    > diversity is not lost on the rubes who came out in droves in the recent
    > U.S. election to defeat the forces of elitist secularism.

    While I agree that my use of "idiots" was unnecessarily pejorative, isn't
    that more a breach of etiquette than bigotry? I could have said "Christians
    who hold with a view that I consider to be of very low level of
    intellectual Quality" instead. Would that make it a polite form of bigotry?
    Since I know that you do not hold with the extreme relativist position that
    all views have equal validity, is it bigotry to point out that a particular
    view is wrong?

    Also, they didn't just defeat the forces of elitist secularism, but also
    the forces of a different kind of religious understanding. (And why did you
    see the need to add the word "elitist" -- couldn't it just be that
    secularists think that they are right, and therefore, more intelligent,
    than those they oppose? Isn't that everyone's opinion who has an opinion?)

    - Scott

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