RE: MD Wisconsin School OKs Creationism Teaching

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Tue Nov 09 2004 - 12:50:42 GMT

  • Next message: David Morey: "Re: MD On Transcendence"

    Arlo wrote:
    > Notice how Platt
    > (although he is emblamatic of the greater problem) so readily dismisses any
    > research illustrating horrors committed by the "white man" (the Indian
    > genocide), and yet so readily embraces those same academics when their
    > research illustrates the horrors of "20th century communism".

    Notice how Arlo attempts to put the U.S. on the same moral level as
    Communist Russia and Nazi Germany. Is it any wonder this leftist worldview
    was rejected in the recent U.S. election?


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