RE: MD Wisconsin School OKs Creationism Teaching

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Wed Nov 10 2004 - 01:16:45 GMT

  • Next message: "Re: MD On Transcendence"


    > First, "creationism" is not an "alternate theory of origin in biology",
    > they are "alternate cultural mythologies". These can be compared in their
    > own field, and as I've stated many would have no objection to such a
    > comparative mythology course.

    If you had read the newspaper article beyond the slanted headline and
    first paragraph (an example of how the liberal media distorts the news)
    you would have noticed that the alternate theories included "intelligent
    design" which has been supported by some biologists.

    > You see, you cry against the elisist of what you call "liberal academia" in
    > denying creationism a place in biology, but then use that same "moral
    > elistism" to dismiss alternate theories that challenge the "conservative
    > propaganda". If we accept "creationism" as biology, then certainly you'd
    > favor the teaching of the Indian genocides, yes?

    I don't think "creationism' has any place in a biology class. But I do
    think "intelligent design" and the MOQ theory of the beginning of life
    might be appropriate. As for "conservative propaganda" perhaps you'll
    explain to the kiddies why Uncle Joe Stalin killed 13 million Russian

    > > Perhaps we need to be reminded from time to time that Pirsig himself
    > > offers an "alternate theory of origin,"
    > Not that I could speak for Mr. Pirsig, but I'd bet my wealth on the
    > knowledge that he'd alter his theory if he became aware of valid,
    > contradictory evidence. His support of the MOQ shows evidence that he was
    > not interested in creating a dogma, but an evolving understanding.

    I agree. But, I'm unaware such contradictory evidence to his theory has
    > > and that defining an entire group
    > > of fellow citizens with a different view than your own as lunatics,
    > > idiots and purveyors of insanity is a gross form of bigotry.
    > Thank you. I'll accept your apology for your portrayl of "liberals" as
    > such. It takes a big man to admit his bigotry, thanks Platt.

    If you can point to where I blasphemed liberals with those words I'll
    gladly apologize.

    > The irony of such
    > > pejoratives coming from those who preach inclusion, tolerance and
    > > diversity is not lost on the rubes who came out in droves in the recent
    > > U.S. election to defeat the forces of elitist secularism.
    > ... by advancing elitist pseudo-christian nationalism. How nice.

    Am I right to assume you've applied for emigration to Canada? Or is France
    more to your liking?


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