Re: MD Biological - Terrorism?

Date: Mon Dec 13 2004 - 18:01:29 GMT

  • Next message: Erin: "RE: MD Code of Art"

    Platt mentioned:
    Well, I'm just thankful you're not in charge because it seems your
    "everybody is equal" stance that would welcome terrorists and drug lords
    to a party at your house like "parties in the 50's and 60's full of
    liberal intellectuals like himself who actually admired the criminal types
    who showed up." (Lila, 24)

    This makes me wonder many things. One is that I can understand a "terrorist"
    who supports violence to change things is always a threat to society...ANY
    society. Drug Lords are what? Wouldn't they be more of the underclass that
    makes capital off of a product? How are they different from a CEO or President
    of a company? They differ because the drug lords produce a product that we
    feel is "against the law".
    And then hypocrisy prevails as the drug lords are lawbreakers but the
    alcohol companies and tobacco companies are just average business people.
    So, biologically, isn't it wrong to produce and gain wealth from products
    that are harmful to the human body? And if so, why is it only selected products
    that are harmful wrong? Doesn't this tie into the capitalistic theory whereas
     American drug companies make billions off of drugs that counteract other
    drugs that counteract other drugs? We have US companies that physically control
    people and their health for the sake of profit. Do we need to restrict
    specifics for the better ness of our society or do we continue to say that some
    drug lords are terrorists and others are entrepreneurs?
    Please explain!
    Dan H

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