Re: MD terrorist blackmail

From: Horse (
Date: Tue Dec 14 2004 - 12:38:25 GMT

  • Next message: Sam Norton: "Re: MD Is the MoQ still in the Kantosphere?"

    Hi Platt

    Isn't this just another example of right-wing, conservative, politically correct nonsense?


    On 13 Dec 2004 at 7:52, Platt Holden wrote:

    > Dear Wim,
    > If you would like, please comment on the following article:
    > Ambrose Evans Pritchard writing in the Telegraph:
    > "Escaping the stress of clogged roads, street violence and loss of faith
    > in Holland's once celebrated way of life, the Dutch middle classes are
    > leaving the country in droves for the first time in living memory.
    > "The new wave of educated migrants are quietly voting with their feet
    > against a multicultural experiment long touted as a model for the world,
    > but increasingly a warning of how good intentions can go wrong.
    > "More people left the Netherlands in 2003 than arrived, ending a half-
    > century cycle of surging immigration that has turned a tight-knit Nordic
    > tribe into a multi-ethnic mosaic with three million people of foreign
    > roots out of 16 million.
    > "Ellen Bles, 43, a lawyer and banker who votes for the free-market
    > Liberals, said the code of behaviour regulating daily life in the
    > Netherlands was breaking down.
    > " 'People no longer know what to expect from each other. There are so many
    > rules, but nobody sticks to them. They just do as they want. They just
    > execute people on the streets, it's shocking when you see this for the
    > first time,' she said. 'We've become so tolerant that everybody thinks
    > they can fight their own wars here. Van Gogh is killed, and then people
    > throw bombs at mosques and churches. It's escalating because the police
    > and the state aren't doing anything about it.'
    > " 'There's a feeling of injustice that if you do things right, if you work
    > hard and pay your taxes, you're punished, and those who don't are
    > rewarded. People can come and live here illegally and get payments. How is
    > that possible?' "
    > Thanks.
    > Platt
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