Re: MD Is the MoQ still in the Kantosphere?

From: Ian Glendinning (
Date: Sun Jan 02 2005 - 13:46:27 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Re: Is Morality relative?"

    Spot on Marsha.

    It's not "new age", it's eternal.

    Nothing new under the sun - I say.
    The pejorative language changes depending on peoples motives in arguing, but
    the facts remain (relatively speaking) the same.
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "MarshaV" < >
    To: < >
    Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2005 11:44 AM
    Subject: RE: MD Is the MoQ still in the Kantosphere?

    > At 03:04 PM 1/1/2005 -0700, DMB wrote:
    > >"......This last, the Dynamic-static code, says what's good in life
    > >isn't defined by society or intellect or biology. What's good is
    > >freedom from domination by any static pattern, but that freedom
    > >doesn't have to be obtained by the destruction of the patterns
    > >themselves." Pirsig in LILA
    > It's easy to demonize other's religious practices while being more
    > of the beliefs shoveled into you as a child. Or in Campbell's case, be
    > more tolerant of religious beliefs one has intellectualized.
    > In my opinion, patriarchal religions and thought through the baby out with
    > the bath water. Until things are made balanced again, there will always
    > those who seek to experience Dynamic Quality through Nature. Bohemians
    > (Beatnics, Hippies and Neo-pagans, etc.) have found a tremendous lacking
    > their life. A spiritual lacking that Christianity and Judaism do not
    > acknowledge. The fact that these movements have not solidified into a
    > static organization speaks to their success, their freedom, not their
    > failure. Their threads are woven on the edge of the culture and are quite
    > strong. It's a movement through Nature towards Dynamic Quality that won't
    > be stopped. It's not "new age", it's eternal. Even Buddhism states that
    > buddha-nature is found in the plum blossom, not in reading and quoting
    > philosophies or mythologies.
    > Have you ever participated in a Nature celebration? Have you ever
    > experienced the moon's cycle? Have you ever danced gratitude for an
    > abundant harvest? Maybe you've been at a Civil War re-enactment, but have
    > you ever experienced a ritual descent of Innanna? Can you appreciate the
    > returning Sun at Yule that marks the point in the year where the days
    > start to lengthen? Have you ever sung chants to Mother Earth? Have you
    > ever been in a forest grove dancing in communion with others to the
    > energy of fire. Have you experienced you heart beating through drums with
    > the Earth's heartbeat? No? Pity.
    > Marsha
    > P.S. The term "new age" is like "babyboomers". It is language used to
    > disempower.
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