Re: MD "Is there anything out there?"

Date: Wed Jan 05 2005 - 02:19:43 GMT

  • Next message: MarshaV: "Re: MD Is the MoQ still in the Kantosphere?"

    Hi, Platt --

    Please accept my apologies.

    I have a very literal mentality that some call naive. When I asked if the
    question you last posted was rhetorical, I did not mean to impugn your
    sincereity. Believe it or not, I have taken the time to answer questions in
    the past that turned out to be rhetorical! Only Ian knows what might have
    prompted that strangely disparaging remark
    > "I believe that consciousness and its contents are all that exists. Space-
    > time, matter and fields never were the fundamental denizens of the
    > universe, but have always been, from the beginning, among the humbler
    > contents of consciousness, dependent on it for their very being. The world
    > of our daily experience -- the world of tables, chairs, stars and people,
    > with their attendant shapes, smells, feels and sounds -- is a species-
    > specific user interface to a realm far more complex, a realm whose
    > essential character is conscious. . . . If this be right, if
    > consciousness is fundamental, then we should not be surprised that,
    > despite centuries of effort by the most brilliant minds, there is as yet
    > no physical theory of consciousness, no theory that explains how mindless
    > matter and energy or fields could be, or cause, conscious experience."

    Hoffman's quotation is such a marvelous declaration that I rushed to add it
    to my website. Do you have the entire quotation? I couldn't locate the
    passage at the various 'explore this book' sites. If you have "Visual
    Intelligence" (presumably a recent release) by this young author, I'd
    appreciate the words that appear within your elipses. (I'll add Hoffman's
    book to my reference section once I have the complete quotation.)

    It's always exciting to see one's own concept eloquently expressed from
    another perspective, especially that of a scientist. (Incidentally, you
    should know, this is the second time I've stolen from your research. I
    wonder what a 'moral universalist' would say about that?!!)

    Many thanks for your assistance, Platt.

    Best regards,

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