RE: MD Universal Moral Standards

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Sun Jan 16 2005 - 13:51:26 GMT

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "RE: MD Universal Moral Standards"

    > Mark Steven Heyman said:
    > Listening to two right-wing deist-conservatives trying to work out a
    > "Universal Morality" for the rest of us is like watching two kids who can't
    > keep their rooms clean plotting to conquer the world. Which is to say it's
    > humorous, even charming, in a Beavis and Butthead sort of way, but nothing
    > you'd want to get close to.
    > dmb adds:
    > Yea, its like watching Stephen Hawking and Edward Scissorhands teach each
    > other to tie flies. (Apologies to anyone who already heard that joke.)

    You two proponents of moral relativism attempt to mock the existence of
    universal moral standards, yet you appeal to them every time you post an
    argument for one of your government welfare programs, citing such
    standards as compassion and caring. When you come right out and declare
    such standards mean nothing to you, then I'll conclude your silly
    comparisons contain a kernel of truth. Until then, I'll view them as yet
    another in a long history of ad hominem attacks, based on the leftist
    principle of "When in doubt, smear."



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