Re: MD looking at evolution

From: Joseph Maurer (
Date: Mon Jan 17 2005 - 18:12:46 GMT

  • Next message: Richard Loggins: "RE: MD Tsunami Disaster"

    Hi gav, well said! good luck!

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "gav" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2005 5:18 AM
    Subject: MD looking at evolution

    > bonjour froggies!
    > tis been a good while since i last checked in...hope
    > youse are all well.
    > some points that may be of interest.
    > 1. evolutionary theory is of some importance with
    > respect to pirsigean metaphysics..yes? well we had
    > better tidy that theory up then cos at the moment it
    > sux.
    > 1.1 why? cos it doesn't add up, literally. if genetic
    > mutation is the source of the raw material for natural
    > selection to act upon then we wouldn't be here:
    > simple. the rate of genetic mutation and the
    > deleterious or neutral value of the great majority of
    > these mutations means that evolution would not
    > progress anywhere near fast enough to account for the
    > diversity and sophistication of life. basically we are
    > looking at many orders of magnitude of error here.
    > orthodox darwinian theory is obviously wrong. this
    > point has been made much better than i have tried by
    > sir fred hoyle in 'the intelligent universe'.
    > 1.2 so if genetic mutation is not the (main) source of
    > novel genetic material what is? the most likely
    > candidates are *whole genes*, with accompanying
    > instruction codes for assimilation into an organism's
    > viruses.
    > 1.2.1 viruses are essentially genes. they can survive
    > interstellar travel and they are continually raining
    > down upon us from space. our immune systems eliminate
    > those that are potentially harmful or irrelevant,
    > admitting those that have evolutionary potential.
    > 1.3 the microbial world (bacteria can also alter
    > genotypes through plasmids - usually circular dna
    > segments that can enter cells), when seen from this
    > perspective, becomes our indispensable evolutionary
    > ally. but the microbial world is more commonly
    > connotated negatively....why?
    > 2. why has the microbial world been demonized by
    > mainstream science? for that matter why have faulty
    > evolutionary concepts been promulgated by mainstream
    > science. and why has mainstream philosophy run into a
    > cul-de sac?
    > 2.1 why? again the answer (i think) is basically a
    > matter of maths- probability. the catalogue of wrong
    > turns, faulty reasoning, omissions etc suggests that
    > human intellectual evolution has been *actively
    > rather than accidentally impeded*
    > 2.1.1
    > not convinced? well then why did people like newton, a
    > memeber of the mystical rosicrucian society,
    > promulgate a worldview directly at odds with the
    > wordlview he and other intellectual luminaries adhered
    > to in private? why was wilhelm reich, orginator of
    > orgone energy (the chi of the planet) theory and
    > devices to capture this energy murdered in the usa?
    > why has the work of tesla and schoenberg been ignored?
    > and why were 14 million natural philosophers murdered
    > in europe. yes, the witches. and why is pirsig's
    > metaphysics finding active opposition in philosophy
    > circles?
    > 2.2.
    > ok i could go on but i won' guys can check it
    > out if you wish. the point i am trying to make is that
    > i used to believe that our culture's intellectual
    > misadventures were accidental. now i believe that the
    > development of human consiousness has been
    > *deliberately stunted and misdirected for millenia*
    > 3. okay then last point: by whom/what and what does it
    > all mean......hmmmmmmmm
    > well then that's a big one. let's just say that the
    > most powerful in the world have tried to stop the
    > dissemination of key information (science, history,
    > astrology, magic) for millenia. this is why the
    > libraries at alexandria and constantinople were burned
    > (after key books were taken away, to rome probably).
    > in turn the powerful have helped promulgate a
    > mechanical materialistic soulless view of reality. one
    > very interesting thing is that these most powerful
    > people are very small in number and are usually quite
    > closely related. for instance, bush and kerry are
    > related, bush is related to the windsors, so is
    > clinton. prince charles is a direct descendant of
    > vlad the impaler. 34 american presidents are direct
    > descendants of charlemagne, emperor of europe. you can
    > check all this at
    > so what does this mean? well for thousands of years
    > the vast bulk of humanity has been used, manipulated,
    > terrorized..kept in a state of confusion and fear. all
    > facets of our society are touched by this dark hand:
    > education (makes you stupid), medicine (makes you
    > ill), charities (help the rich), government (opposes
    > the people) etc etc. the orwellian nature of our
    > reality is not difficult to see. fortunately nearly
    > all of this is kinda irrelevant because the individual
    > has to participate in this oppressive version of
    > reality for the control to work: ie unplug from the
    > 'matrix' and you become free, again.
    > anyway i will shut up now before i dissapear up my own
    > guys probably now all this anyway
    > hasta luego
    > gav
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