MD Quality and Bias In Commercial Media

From: Ant McWatt (
Date: Thu Jan 20 2005 - 21:24:48 GMT

  • Next message: Ant McWatt: "MD New York lecture series & conference - correction"

    Platt Holden stated January 19th:

    Hi Anthony,

    >Is there a Guidebook on Goldberg’s work or even a University thesis that
    >treats it in a positive light? If so, let’s have the references so we can
    >check them out!

    No problem. Check out the Media Research Center website for supporting
    material to Goldberg's books. Plenty of "university" studies there,
    although you know as well as anyone that those who wrap themselves in the
    cloak of a university are not free of bias. :-)

    Ant McWatt replied January 19th:

    Many thanks for that Platt. I'll look into Media Research Center in some
    detail though "I've got a Dynamic feeling" you're going to have do to do
    better than this organization as evidence of credible supporting material
    for Goldberg. One of the first entries on the Google search engine for
    "Media Research Center" + Goldberg brought up the following article by
    Geoffrey Nunberg (BA, Columbia; MA, Penn; PhD, CUNY) who is a senior
    researcher at the Center for the Study of Language and Information at
    Stanford University and a Consulting Full Professor of Linguistics at
    Stanford University...

    Mark Heyman asked January 20th:

    What is your response to Ant's refutation of [the MRC]?

    Platt Holden replied January 20th:

    Ant's response is that nothing is to be believed unless it's follows the
    format required for a PhD thesis. That eliminates 99 percent of everything

    Ant McWatt comments:

    A very funny “platt-itude” if very misleading. I obviously never stated
    that no research is to be believed unless it follows the format required for
    a PhD thesis.

    However, what I do try to emphasise is that every information source (not
    just 99%) needs to questioned on the lines given by Ian G. (on January 15th)
    i.e. consistency of fit with the rest of reality and the motives of the
    writers (and, if applicable, editors and owners) who produce it.

    I was hardly expecting a response (even a glib one) concerning Geoffrey
    Nunberg’s critique of the Media Research Center just yet as I said that was
    I delving further into the organization and its articles. However, without
    some equally credible academic source to discredit Nunberg’s critique – at
    some point, at least - Platt’s contention that there is credible supporting
    material for Goldberg's books does appear increasingly unlikely.

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