Re: MD Understanding Quality And Power

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Fri Jan 21 2005 - 15:11:16 GMT

  • Next message: Sam Norton: "Re: MD Re: Tsunami disaster"


    > platt:
    > I assume one of your "vital services" is reporting the news which, in
    > lieu of being provided by a profit-making organization would be
    > provided by ________?
    > Your answer will be most interesting I'm sure.
    > msh says:
    > I believe that in a well-rounded society room will be made for BOTH
    > profit-driven and non-profit-driven institutions. So people who want
    > commercial saturated and subsidized tv and radio news can get it, and those
    > who don't may have some viable alternatives. This would of course mean
    > allocating broadcast and cable licenses in a way radically different from
    > the bribe-based system currently in place. But this is a logistical
    > problem than can be overcome by dedicated thinkers, given the freedom to
    > engage in, and act upon, an open and high-quality interchange of dynamic
    > ideas.

    Gee, last time I looked my cable service offered over 200 different
    channels, not to mention non-commercial channels like PBS, C-Span and
    channels reserved by cable companies for educational purposes and
    broadcast of local government meetings. As for how licenses to broadcast
    are granted, I can't wait for the results of your "dedicated thinkers."
    But before that, I'd like to know how such thinkers are to be chosen.

    > platt:
    > As for the evils of profit-making, what do you have to say in
    > response to Pirsig's endorsement of free markets?
    > As for Pirsig's endorsement of free markets, I agree that in theory
    > they are dynamic and therefore good. But since nothing like a free-
    > market system exists in reality, the point is moot.

    So Pirsig's comparison of the dynamism of New York city with socialist
    cities as "always dull" places was a moot point? Somehow I doubt Pirsig
    goes around making moot points.

    > We could,
    > however, work to implement such a system. A good start would be for the
    > government to refuse to bail out failed and/or corrupt businesses, such as
    > energy companies, banks, airlines, weapons manufacturers, and to stop
    > funding corporate research and development through grants and use of
    > publicly owned research facilities such as university labs.

    I agree with all that on condition that the government also remove all
    regulation and taxation of the organizations you mention..


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