Re: MD Understanding Quality and Power

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Mon Jan 24 2005 - 16:51:41 GMT

  • Next message: gav: "MD newsflash: it's all a con"


    > Just a brief and incomplete recap: The plot to overthrow the popular
    > governments of Iran and Guatemala, as well as the plot to invade Cuba were
    > hatched in the Eisenhower Administered; Kennedy invaded South Vietnam;
    > Johnson dramatically escalated the assault based on a lie (The Gulf of
    > Tonkin); Nixon and Kissinger played politics to keep that war going well
    > into the 70's, and extended their crimes to include massive and illegal and
    > secret bombing of Cambodia and Laos, as well as the overthrow of a
    > democratically elected government in Chile. The Carter Administration gave
    > financial and military support to Indonesia in its genocide against the
    > people of East Timor. Reagan in Central America. Bush the first in Haiti,
    > Panama, Iraq, Libya. Clinton continued the the bombing and murderous
    > sanctions against Iraq all through his Presidency, launched missiles
    > against Sudan, and was behind the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia which pounded
    > that country back to a pre-industrial era, causing exponentially more human
    > misery than it prevented. And that brings us to Bush the Second, the Force
    > of Freedom.

    So all these Presidents and all the people who supported them were wrong.
    Am I correct to assume you take pride in thinking of yourself as being
    like Pirsig's brujo, and are out to change the world for the better?

    > In trying to understand the relationship of Power to Quality, it is
    > futile and confusing to focus on the imagined liberal-conservative
    > elements of party politics. In fact, when we do, our intellectual
    > energy is directed away from possible dynamic solutions to very real
    > Quality problems.

    What Quality problems are you thinking of?

    > platt:
    > In other words, people are too stupid to recognize when they are
    > being manipulated? The election showed that most people weren't
    > fooled by leftist propaganda that Bush lied about WMD.
    > msh says:
    > It's not stupidity so much as psychological comfort. People cannot
    > comfortably believe in the truth about the actions of their
    > government, when those actions grate against everything they've been
    > taught since the cradle. It's hard to see blood dripping when it's
    > dripping on your own hands. This is the essence of cognitive
    > dissonance. And there's another factor: most people have to work
    > their asses off to make ends meet. When they get home from work, the last
    > thing they want to do is embark on a detailed study of American foreign
    > policy, so they watch the commercial media. Therefore, Power has a vital
    > interest in controlling the information available through radio and
    > television and, more and more, through the internet.
    > So, when the average Joe or Jane gets home from work and stumbles
    > across a list of crimes against humanity (such as the one offered
    > above) they are likely to be completely, and understandably,
    > incredulous. They've never heard such unbelievable ideas; this guy
    > must be from Neptune; and though these historical facts can be
    > verified, few people have the time or desire to check them out. It's just
    > easier, and much more comfortable, to disbelieve them, and to turn on the
    > TV set.

    Seems to me I've heard this argument before. Where was it? Oh yes, now I
    remember -- it's "the right-wing conspiracy."

    > Every once in a while, however, someone does take the time to verify
    > the crimes mentioned and, when they do, they experience an
    > irreversible paradigm shift in their understanding of power in the
    > world. This shift is a Quality latch-up, and when enough co-existent
    > organisms have completed the shift, the species as a whole takes another
    > step toward Quality.

    To believe that to order a soldier and his gun to fight against crime is
    itself a crime is to have an upside down view of reality which I'm happy
    to say Pirsig doesn't.
    > IMHO, of course.

    And mine, of course.


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