Re: MD Understanding Quality and Power

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Sun Jan 30 2005 - 13:52:32 GMT

  • Next message: Ron Winchester: "Re: MD Pure experience and the Kantian problematic"

    Hi Scott,

    > Here's the Merrell-Wolff quote:
    > "While in the State [of High Indifference, as he called it], I was
    > particularly impressed with the fact that the logical principle of
    > contradiction had no relevancy. It would not be correct to say that this
    > principle was violated, but rather, that it had no application. For to
    > isolate any phase of the State was to be immediately aware of the opposite
    > phase as the necessary complementary part of the first. Thus the attempt of
    > self-conscious thought to isolate anything resulted in the immediate
    > initiation of a sort of flow in the very essence of consciousness itself,
    > so that the nascent isolation was transformed into its opposite as
    > co-partner in a timeless reality....It seemed to be the real underlying
    > fact of all consciousness of all creatures." [Experience and Philosophy,
    > p.286]

    Thanks for the quote. I wrote the following poem in 1990 to my daughter
    who was dying of brain cancer. If I understand what Merrell-Wolff says, my
    poem reflects his view, at least partially. I wonder if you agree.

    Black is true
    So is white
    Dark is true
    So is light
    Each alike
    Each apart
    Yet both are one
    At nature's heart.

    Straight is true
    So is round
    Silence is true
    So is sound
    Each is different
    Each a pole
    Yet both are one
    In existence whole.

    Reality to us
    Seems to be split
    Black and white
    Distinct parts of it
    But black could not be
    Without white there, too
    Both are one
    In the broader view.

    You and I
    Are like these poles
    Two things apart
    With separate souls
    Each unique
    Each a face
    Yet both one
    In timeless space.

    The world we see
    Divided and split
    Is an illusion we need
    To survive a bit
    Each is born
    Each will die
    Yet both are one
    In reality high.

    The real we see
    Is not the real
    Though joy and pain
    Is what we feel
    Trapped to ground
    We look above
    And know the truth
    Through faith and love.

    We are one then
    You and I
    Faith and love
    Are binds that tie
    And in my life
    Where'er I go
    You'll be there too
    In the essence flow.

    The touch of eye
    The lilt of smile
    Have joined us now
    And for all the while
    So when we part
    And life seems done
    Down deep you'll know
    That we are one.


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