RE: MD Pure experience and the Kantian problematic

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Mon Jan 31 2005 - 00:59:47 GMT

  • Next message: Joseph Maurer: "Re: MD Pure experience and the Kantian problematic"

    Ron said to Matt and all:
    James Pragmatism and Radical Empiricism (what works) based on S/O lack the
    moral framework of the MOQ as S/O goes from inorganic to intellectual, and
    bypasses biological and social.

    dmb pipes in:
    Or, as I prefer to think of it, SOM reduced all four levels to one or the

    Ron continued:
    By splitting SOM into the inorganic/chaotic, biological/inorganic,
    social/biological and intellectual/social, you have a framework for morals
    that does not give way to 'What works' as James pragmatism and radical
    empiricism did. The Nazis couldn't say "This was the highest intellectual
    Quality decision to advance society," but in an SOM pragmatism and
    empiricism, it is 'What works' for them.

    dmb adds:
    The hierarchy not only sorts out moral issues, they also serve as a basis
    for epistemologyical pluralism. This is not as fancy as it sounds. It only
    means that we investigate society differently than we investigate biology or
    rocks. Each level of being requires a different set of criteria. You'll
    never see morals through a microscope and all that.

    Ron concluded:
    It is the subject and object scientific empiricism that "SOM uses to exclude

    art, morality, and mysticism."

    dmb says:
    At bottom it is about materialism. Science within SOM handles art, morality
    and mysticism so badly because these have been relegated to mere
    subjectivity, mere opinion, and are assumed to have no bearing on the truth
    of anything. This won't do for the simple reason that we all know from our
    own experience that the most intimate and important experiences in life are
    wierdly left out of the picture.

    The MOQ isn't really a new solution to this SOM ugliness so much as a return
    to the ancient wisdom and the Eastern wisdom. The philosphical mysticism, or
    the perennial philosophy, is the revival of a view that preceeded SOM. He
    tries to strip DQ of the clap trap too and take us back to a place before
    all that noise was added.


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