MD Have you seen this man?

From: Matt the Enraged Endorphin (
Date: Sun Feb 02 2003 - 01:07:14 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD Gardner on Pragmatism"


    I'm always surprised when I find a book that references Pirsig in some way.
     It always seems to be in the strangest places, too. In an effort to find
    who's reading and talking about Pirsig, or who's got him in the back of
    their mind, I am calling all people to write in where they've seen Pirsig's
    name in publications (books, articles, essays). This isn't really a call
    for the websites where he's mentioned, there are lots of those I can find
    on my own. But because I only read one particular swath of books, and
    other people read other books, I figured if we pool our resources we'd be
    able increase our chances of reading stuff about him. This banks on the
    fact that people other then myself are interested in that kind of thing.
    (There is a list of articles on Pirsig in the Guidebook to ZMM, but it only
    goes up to the early Nineties and misses books that discuss him.) I got
    this idea because I picked up a book John Beasley had mentioned a long
    while back, Truth by Felipe Fernandez-Armesto, and noticed that Pirsig is
    mentioned a couple of times in the index, though I don't remember John
    every mentioning it. So now I want everyone to come forward with what
    their research has come up with.

    Here's me:

    Norris, Christopher. Deconstruction: Theory and Practice
    Norris contributes several pages interpreting a section of Pirsig in light
    of Nietzsche and in a general relation to Derrida.

    Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe. Truth
    Mentions him twice and elabortates on his claim that "the locus classicus
    of the western appopriation of eastern philosophy in the attempt to escape
    the limitations of subjective thinking is Robert Pirsig's Zen...."

    Rorty, Richard. Philosophy and Social Hope
    Mentions him in his autobiographical piece, "Trotsky and the Wild Orchids."

    Mosedale, Frederick E. Philosophy and Science
    This is complilation of selections of famous authors who talk about
    philosophy and science. There are two selections from Pirsig.

    I also mentioned a while ago that I found a piece of Pirsig's writing
    (which there aren't many of) in Zen Environment by Marian Mountain, which
    he wrote the preface for.

    That's all I can remember that I've found. So, come on out and share!


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