RE: MD Pure experience and the Kantian problematic

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sat Feb 12 2005 - 22:27:39 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD Pure experience and the Kantian problematic"

    Marsha, Scott and all MOQers:

    First, here is a brief summary of the recent exchanges between Marsha and

    On Wednesday morning, Marsha said to Scott:
    Originally your statement was "Intellect, Consciousness, and Quality are all
    names for the same (non-)thing." Now your saying that they are not the
    same, but at "any event" Quality, Consciousness and Intellect are present.
    Is that correct? Are all three always present?
    Since you are now saying that Intellect, Consciousness and Quality are not
    the same (non thing), they must mean something different. Would you please
    define the meaning of each as you are using them in your theory.

    On Wednesday afternoon, Marsha said to Scott:
    What exactly are you saying? ...While it might be interesting to think
    about, in my opinion it doesn't follow that you have enough clarity of
    thought to attack MOQ

    Late Thurday night, Marsha said to Scott:
    I haven't been able to make sense of your theory. There's been too much
    confusion and you've had to correct yourself a number of times. So maybe
    I'll ask that you again clearly state your hypothesis.

    On Friday, Marsha said to Scott:
    I thought I better give you an example of where my confusion is coming
    from. You stated that Quality and Intellect cannot be defined, but have
    different connotations. What is 'connotation' if not a shift in
    meaning? How do you expect to have your theory understood if your using so
    many words without meaning?

    On Saturday, Marsha said to Scott:
    You haven't said just one word can't be defined. You've said a whole bunch
    of words, that you're using, can't be defined. You may have something in
    you mind, but you haven't stated it as an understandable hypothesis. Your
    hypothesis is made up of statements using words you've said can't be
    defined. Does that make sense to you?

    dmb chimes in:
    Anyone else notice a pattern here? I'm with Marsha, who is apparently a
    woman with unlimited patience. I think Scott doesn't understand the MOQ
    clearly enough to even discuss it, let alone attack it or improve it. I
    think Scott makes no sense at all, contradicts himself constantly, and badly
    misinterprets everything he quotes. I'm tempted to follow up with specific
    examples of Scott's hackery, but then I rememeber how utterly impervious he
    is to such explanations and I wonder why I should make the effort. Nothing
    sucks the gumption out of a conversation faster. Sigh.


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