Re: MD Nihilism (Punk)

From: max demian (
Date: Thu Mar 10 2005 - 16:57:30 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "MD Science, the MOQ, and God"


    I’ve been reading this line of posts, wondering what I would say and why I
    would say it.

    Part of the debate is that rock and roll lacks substance, and therefore, is
    a lesser music. Classical music is justified by its depth and essence. It is
    classical because it has been canonized and canonized because it is widely
    accepted across cultural boundaries. It is established. Yet, there is a
    minor voice that seeks to free music from the boundaries of the
    establishment. It doesn’t have to be great music and it may be better if it
    isn’t because new music allows a conception of something other than the
    music of the masters. It doesn’t seek canonization, it seeks something else.
    It seeks the subversion of the cultural ideals which oppress it by putting
    limits and boundaries and definition to music. Rock music seeks to free its
    self from this oppression. It is skeptical of classical music as the
    standard of music’s greatness. Classical music has had a long life compared
    to Rock and Roll. One can be a fan of classical music and its power and
    beauty, and yet, be interested fans of Rock. They are different apparatuses
    with different functions. In this way even ‘bad’ music (by classical music
    standards) is ‘good’ music (by rock music’s desires). It has a different
    function in culture. It is minor music. Rock music is a collective
    enunciation of a different agenda. It is not good or bad it is different.
    With this in mind, can they even be compared? No, and I think this is
    important to recognize.


    >From: MarshaV <>
    >Subject: Re: MD Nihilism (Punk)
    >Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2005 09:07:18 -0500
    >At 08:05 AM 3/8/2005 +0800, you wrote:
    >>Young at heart, wise in the head, I find, believe, hope ...
    >Well, to be perfectly honest. I haven't really been listening to too much
    >Rock since the war started. I'm too aggravated. I find classical music
    >sooths the beast, and she needs soothing because of this war. What can I
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