MD Quality is meeting the expectation

Date: Mon Feb 03 2003 - 21:12:41 GMT

  • Next message: Horse: "MD Supporting the Statement"

    I enjoyed the new article posted on the MOQ site. I think I can offer a better
    definition of quality than the straw man definition that gives rise to that
    article. The article quotes a software quality expert as defining quality
    as "Quality is meeting the specification" and then points out that
    specifications can be met but still not give the user the "warm fuzzies" -
    which is an obvious sign that quality is lacking.

    I propose that the users didn't get the warm fuzzies because the software
    didn't meet their expectations. The specs are just a tool to try and convey
    expectations. If their expectations had been met, even if in so doing they
    abandoned the spec, they'd have great warm fuzzies and would call it a quality

    Now, I suppose a person could be expecting a crappy product, and I propose that
    if that's what they expect, then that's what they would call a quality
    product. They would get the warm fuzzies from their expectations being met,
    even though the product itself doesn't "work right". Because in expecting a
    product that doesn't work right, they redefine what "work right" means. In
    that case, "work right" would mean to fail and in so doing reveal that person's
    great told-you-so wisdom.

    My thesis is that Morality (and Reality and Quality) is Expectation -
    the "quality event" is the moment when an expectation reaches 100% certainty
    and thus creates reality, creating both the observer and the observed. The
    reality that is created is the reality that should be created, is expected to
    be created. Remember that expectations change. When it seems as though
    reality didn't match our expectations, it is only because our expectations
    changed at the very very last moment to predict what actually became real.
    Reality may not match what we HAD been expecting days or minutes prior, but it
    always matches what we expect at the moment.

    I wanted to post this thesis and work on it with your folks help and input, I
    apologize for not lurking and integrating myself into your discussions more

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