RE: MD home schooling

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sat Apr 09 2005 - 04:04:52 BST

  • Next message: Scott Roberts: "Re: MD Access to Quality"

    Dan, Matt and all:

    DMB said: That's my big axe to grind. Maybe I'm just bitter, but
    it seems that students have to be challenged and they need to be around kids
    who respond to the same level of challenge, no matter what else is in the

    Matt poot replied:
    Having pretty recently come out of the public education system, I
    couldn't agree more. While more brilliant as a youngster, my enthusiasm

    Dan Glover replied:
    Like David and Matt P., I disliked school intensely.

    dmb says:
    I just wanted to say for the record that I loved school. It was fun, fun,
    fun. I dated cheerleaders and pom-pom girls. Was on the student council, was
    photo-editor the yearbook, was on the homecoming court and even belonged to
    a gang of sorts. Loved it. But I didn't learn much in class or from books.

    Also, the lack of challenge I've complained about was not due to the fact
    that I'm so very brilliant. If grades and tests scores can give us an
    accurate sense of such things, I would be slightly above average, but far
    from brilliant. Really. I was complaining about how stupid the school was,
    not how smart I am. I'm still a little angry about the low quality people
    who were supposed to be teaching us. Most of them were overworked, underpaid
    and seemed to take it out on us. I'm grateful for the exceptions and
    remember them fondly, but there are others that I would still like to
    strangle. Every student I knew was just as bored and they weren't no
    geniuses neither.

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