RE: MD Orpheus

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sat Apr 16 2005 - 17:57:25 BST

  • Next message: Matt Kundert: "RE: MD Creativity and Philosophology, 2"

    Sam and all:

    > dmb had said:
    > An on-line version of the original? I wish!!! No, not that I know of. As I
    > understand it, the original version is presently being re-constructed by
    > scholars. Peter Kingsley has been very helpful.

    Sam asked:
    anything other than 'ancient philosophy, mystery and magic'? (which was
    great - I'll have another look at it)

    dmb says:
    Kingsley has a book titled simply "REALITY". I've gotten distracted and
    haven't finished it yet, but that is where I learned that Orpheus does not
    fail and that his "blasphemy" was based on an insight derived from a
    mystical experience in which he came to see that Apollo was the god of night
    as well as the sun god. And it was this experience/realization that
    transformed Orpheus. He went in as a poet and musician and came out as a
    Prophet. The Christ myth, I think, is a little strange compared to that.
    After his transformation he lingers only long enough to say goodbye. Its
    like Orpheus changes his line of work as a result of his experience while
    Christ's experience marks the end of his work on Earth.

    I guess his blasphemy would be like saying that God and Satan are one, but
    I'm still exploring what it all means.

    As a side note, I was struck by some photos of a statue of Apollo. It was
    very, very Buddha-like. It depicted him with that blissed out facial
    expression. Gave me chills.


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