Re: MD Access to Quality

Date: Wed Apr 20 2005 - 18:30:48 BST

  • Next message: Matt Kundert: "RE: MD Philosophy and Metaphysics (I)"

    Hi Ian --

    > The meat of the matter. Erin / Scott / Ham, if you're game,
    > I think we have something to discuss.

    I've always surmised that you were "potentially" an essentialist, but there
    are so many distractions in this forum that "the meat of the matter" has
    gotten preempted by socio-political forays. So, where would you like to

    Since you've been talking science, perhaps a brief preamble on the most
    common approaches to knowledge would be appropriate here.

    No one -- least of all me -- wants to attack the scientific method, which is
    the most efficient and pragmatically productive means devised by man for
    making the material world more beneficial to human life. (I'm referring to
    pure Science, and not technology, which I think has grown out of control.)

    Although most of us have reservations about religious doctrine as a source
    of knowledge, there should be no need to attack either a spiritualistic
    belief or a particular religion on rational grounds. Religion has nothing
    to do with rationalism. (I'm told that the name stems from the Greek word
    "religio", meaning "to bind"; so it's not surprising that religious leaders
    seek to perpetuate their faith by holding believers to traditional
    ecclesiastical dogma and symbolism.) Eastern mysticism, shorn of its
    folklore and rituals, is something else again; to me, its most valuable
    teaching is the Oneness of the universe.

    So, unless we want to stir up new excitement for New Age occultism, that
    leaves Philosophy as the discipline on which we should be focused. I'm game
    for this, so long as the discussion does not dwell unnecessarily on
    historical precedent or get us involved in a comparative analysis of the
    major philosophies. I think we've established that practice as
    'philosophology', and while it has a legitimate place for the scholar, it
    can be an annoyance to those of us trying to have a progressive dialectical

    Presently I feel a need to clear up some possible confusion in my Creation
    hypothesis which, hopefully, will result in a simpler version of the entire
    thesis. A good discussion of the salient points with MoQers like yourself
    would be most beneficial. In return, I promise not to engage in wholesale
    criticism of Mr, Pirsig's philosophy, apart from pointing out the
    discrepancies as I see them.

    In that context, I suggest that we might begin with the critical issue in
    metaphysics: Where and how does differentiation occur? But if you'd rather
    pursue another issue, I'm still game.

    Thanks Ian,

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