Re: MD Creativity and Philosophology, 2

From: Steve & Oxsana Marquis (
Date: Wed Apr 20 2005 - 21:57:00 BST

  • Next message: Steve & Oxsana Marquis: "Re: MD Friendship"

    Matt wrote:

    If you are just talking about creativity and "what goes on in one's psyche
    subjectively during this or any process," then I wonder how you apply it.
    Who's being static in their thinking and how would we tell? It seems to me
    that when people reflect and think through an issue they pretty much go
    through it in a way that would count as "dynamic."

    Some people may simply listen to someone else they consider an authority on
    a subject, say philosophy, and then simply follow along with what they say
    without really thinking about it. That happens, but then I don't think we'd
    really say they reflected and thought through an issue. So how can label an
    entire cross-section of philosophers as not reflecting and thinking through

    Hi Matt. I think you are bringing to my part of this thread issues prior to
    my involvement. Partly that is my fault, for I'm necessarily going off at a
    tangent in not reading the entire thread.

    I never intended to justify applying this distinction objectively to any one
    or any group. I agree that reflecting is DQ in an intellectual way and what
    may come out of that may, in fact, be the very same place one started if the
    antithesis under consideration does not render a higher quality synthesis.
    This reflecting and thinking (same thing), the putting together of claims
    backed by good argument, is what constitutes the activity of philosophy. To
    the degree one is doing that rather than accepting authority or opinion of
    any kind without examination is the degree one is 'doing' philosophy.
    Critical examination is a good descriptor, wouldn't you say? The more
    critical it is and the more bias free it is the higher quality this
    particular activity, no?

    This distinction is most valuable for myself as a check to whether I've
    carefully considered something or not. That is why I stated in my previous
    post my argument would be a subjective one. As to applying this distinction
    to others I do it all the time with individual arguments, posts, etc. A
    quick check to see if someone is using authority for philosophical or
    philisophological purposes is to ask them to explain the quote in their own
    words (build their own argument). That will give a glimpse in to the level
    of understanding of the person doing the quoting.

    But to categorize someone in general in this way rather than just individual
    arguments has got to be gross overgeneralization; rendering judgment it
    seems to me for egotistical reasons rather than to point out an instance of
    intellectual low quality. Pirsig did admit to this in ZMM when he was
    reading philosophy voraciously to look for confirmation of his Quality idea.


    Well, a distinction is only as useful as when it's put to use. My
    is wondering what's left to label "philosophology"?

    Philosophology is the activity of the charlatan, the one who is clever with
    rhetoric but lacks understanding. Philosophology is accepting the opinion
    of authority without critical examination, w/o understanding, w/o making it
    your 'own'. How can I make it any clearer? I do not have the background to
    judge someone else's thesis for example and label it one way or the other.
    But the distinction is very useful in aiding me maintain my own intellectual

    When others make claims one can start asking questions to zero in on their
    understanding (aka Socrates). Through this critical inquiry into a position
    one could label it way or the other I suppose, but not w/o the inquiry. The
    value to another by this kind of labeling would be to motivate them to
    further understanding (ie, higher intellectual quality) of their own
    position. This can occur only through a dialectical activity of some kind.
    W/o the activity I don't see how we can judge the level of understanding
    another has about any opinion he or she may put forward. So, w/o
    investigation I agree that labeling like this doesn't do much.

    Creativity in a philosophical sense is critical inquiry. The product of
    this process is understanding (intellectual static patterns of value).
    History has nothing to do with it except as front-end input. The quality of
    the process is not dependent on the quality of the input. Garbage in will
    get trashed, good ideas will pass through. In both cases it is the same
    process. What I see Pirsig adding is allowance for multiple truths,
    multiple word games, multiple logical systems as all equally valid in their
    own sphere of application as opposed to the one universal absolute truth
    that was, in general, the goal of rational inquiry prior. Since this
    process of philosophy can work in either an assumed 'one truth' paradigm or
    in a 'multiple truth' paradigm we cannot label thinkers that have restricted
    themselves to the 'one truth' paradigm as philisophological like Robin
    wanted to do for they are still using the same creative intellectual


    The first statement makes it sound as though its only if you change your
    static patterns that you are doing philosophy. But this doesn't make sense.
    You are only supposed to change your static patterns if you've found (or
    made) something better. Change for the sake of change can't be good. The
    second statement makes it sound as if there is something other than the
    activity than argumentation.

    See above concerning ending up where you started and what I think philosophy
    is (my own definition, not one I looked up. Am I doing philosophy or
    philosophology? ;)).


    What is an intellectual Quality experience other than the exchange of views
    and reasons?

    Understanding the views and reasons is higher Quality than a mere exchange
    of information.


    You say, "Pirsig's MOQ deserves to be labeled a 'Wisdom Tradition' rather
    than mere metaphysics despite its lack of history," but I think that grossly
    ignores all the history built into Pirsig's philosophy. Pirsig is _not_
    inattentive to history, but his argument about the philosophy/philosophology
    distinction would seem to
    require it for him to be a philosopher.

    The history, the starting point intellectual static patterns of value we all
    have, is grist for the mill, content only. Philosophy is a creative
    process; it is the context for the history. Also, if we allow for intuition
    to enter the picture (original thought or what have you) then there is more
    going into the process than just the starting static patterns of value.
    Quality / DQ might scramble the initial static patterns in ways unforeseen
    by a mere machine-like analysis, don't you think? It is the insistence on
    critical unbiased examination that moves us closer to DQ input IMO. The
    more we accept opinion uncritically, the more we let our prejudices do our
    analysis for us, the less originality / creativity will be in the output.
    That is the value of the distinction.

    What I meant by the MOQ's 'lack of history' is just lack of pedigree due to
    age. I was not claiming Pirsig was free of history (static intellectual
    patters of value) himself. My 'Wisdom Tradition' label is reserved for
    philosophical / spiritual 'systems' that encourage growth towards Quality /
    DQ, the 'best' of these systems providing specific doorways or training to /
    for the Quality pre-intellectual experience. This is explicit in the MOQ
    despite what other nits we may come up with. It's just that 'tradition' has
    a connotation of honorable age that obviously doesn't apply to the MOQ yet.

    Live well,

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