Re: MD Hume, Paley and Intelligent Design

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Tue Apr 26 2005 - 16:34:20 BST

  • Next message: Steve & Oxsana Marquis: "Re: MD Zen & Reason"

    Hi Ham, MSH, All:

    I guess that MSH and others who worship at the altar of science reject
    Pirsig's statement concerning design and purpose in the universe:

    "Dharma is Quality itself, the principle of 'rightness' which gives
    structure and purpose to the evolution of all life and to the evolving
    understanding of the universe which life has created." (Lila, 30)

    Pirsig's conclusion fits nicely with the view of physicist Paul Davies
    regarding intelligent design::

    "The universe looks as if it is unfolding according to some plan or
    blueprint. The input is the cosmic initial conditions, and the output is
    organized complexity, or depth. The essential feature is that something of
    value emerges as the result of processing according to some ingenious pre-
    existing rules. The rules look as if they are the product of intelligent
    design. My own inclination is to suppose that qualities such as ingenuity,
    economy, beauty and so on have a genuine transcendent reality -- they are
    not merely the product of human experience -- and that these qualities are
    reflected in the structure of the natural world."

    Principles, values, and plans all suggest that consciousness, not matter,
    is foundational, a concept science is forbidden to accept because of its
    blind faith in natural causes.


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