Re: MD Hume, Paley and Intelligent Design

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Wed Apr 27 2005 - 21:30:45 BST

  • Next message: Arlo Bensinger: "Re: MD Hume, Paley and Intelligent Design"

    Hi MSH,

    > On 26 Apr 2005 at 11:34, Platt Holden wrote:
    > "Dharma is Quality itself, the principle of 'rightness' which gives
    > structure and purpose to the evolution of all life and to the evolving
    > understanding of the universe which life has created." (Lila, 30)
    > msh says:
    > I see no mention here of a supernatural designer and creator. Do
    > you?

    I see mentioned here "Quality" and "principle of rightness" and
    "structure" and purpose" and "understanding" which are all properties of
    consciousness. (Refer to Ham's latest post for further elucidation.)

    > platt continues?
    > Pirsig's conclusion fits nicely with the view of physicist Paul Davies
    > regarding intelligent design::
    > "The universe looks as if it is unfolding according to some plan or
    > blueprint. The input is the cosmic initial conditions, and the output is
    > organized complexity, or depth. The essential feature is that something of
    > value emerges as the result of processing according to some ingenious pre-
    > existing rules. The rules look as if they are the product of intelligent
    > design. My own inclination is to suppose that qualities such as ingenuity,
    > economy, beauty and so on have a genuine transcendent reality -- they are
    > not merely the product of human experience -- and that these qualities are
    > reflected in the structure of the natural world."
    > msh says:
    > I think Davies is well aware of the difference between the appearance of
    > design, and the existence of a supernatural designer. What we perceive to
    > be design may very well be us looking at the back of our own heads, as if
    > we were to gaze long enough through a telescope powerful enough to
    > circumnavigate the curvature of space. (Didn't RMP say something like this
    > in ZMM?)

    If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it must be
    a duck. If I see design, it's not far fetched to presume a designer.

    > And isn't Davies the guy you were mocking a few posts ago, when I
    > pointed out that he clearly believes that the Big Bang requires no
    > supernatural explanation?

    I wasn't mocking Davies. Someone challenged me to show a scientist who
    claimed the universe emerged suddenly from nothing. I obliged him.

    > platt:
    > Principles, values, and plans all suggest that consciousness, not matter,
    > is foundational, a concept science is forbidden to accept because of its
    > blind faith in natural causes.
    > msh says:
    > Principles, values, plans, suggest no such thing. Some human beings
    > see that they themselves have principles, values, plans, and
    > consciousness, and therefore project these qualities onto the
    > universe. For some, this is just more comforting than saying "I
    > don't know." This is a very old story.

    Pirsig says Quality = experience = values. Are you saying he is
    "projecting" these properties of consciousness on the universe?

    > And exactly how is science "forbidden" to accept or reject any idea?
    > Michael Behe is a scientist, and his rendition of the design argument is a
    > logical argument backed by scientific evidence. But because it has not
    > held up to scientific investigation, it is making no headway in scientific
    > circles. No one has forbidden science to consider it; and no one could
    > even if they wanted to.

    Scientific journals will not accept supernatural explanations for
    anything. It's a wall science has put up. I'm surprised you think
    > People with religious beliefs have a problem with science only when
    > they claim their beliefs have a scientific basis. I've never been
    > able to understand why it is they so desperately crave science's
    > stamp of approval, since they have so little respect for the
    > scientific method.
    I agree. I often wonder why Pirsig presented his SODV paper to a bunch of
    scientists unless he was hoping for their stamp of approval..


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