Re: MD Probably Silly Questions..

From: ian glendinning (
Date: Mon May 09 2005 - 08:44:19 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "RE: MD the ideology of capitalism"

    Mark, I certainly do not believe you have the wrong end of any stick there.

    I can't answer you specific questions succinctly, but my interest in
    Pirsigian Quality is from a very similar angle ...

    Where you talk of social interactions - I'm talking of organisational
    behaviours. But the aspects you point to are pretty much the same -
    human "rationalisations" of their own and other peoples "intents" in
    what they say and do, (and say they do). I notice you use the word
    "manipulate" in there, where I've used "intent". Personally I don't
    see this as predominantly a conspiratorial / machivellian problem,
    more a memetic problem - the rationalisation itself is a deeply
    evolved human process - it's almost impossible for us to do otherwise.

    My angle is that the rationalisations hold mis-placed faith in an
    objectivity that is not really there, a defensive simplification, a
    kind of hypocrisy - hence the Quality interaction to redress the
    subjective balance. Exactly how, I'm still working on :-)

    Ian Glendinning

    On 5/9/05, Mark <> wrote:
    > Hello,
    > Hello everyone! Just thought I'd quickly post to introduce myself and
    > ask a few little questions, these are probably rather silly questions
    > as I'm still quite new to this theory and not quite understanding it
    > entirely..
    > First of all, is there a clear understanding of how a humans can
    > manipulate Quality? Our bodies can consciously manipulate matter and
    > energy but I'm given to understand that, under MOQ, Quality is
    > separate from both of these. Since people can create works of Quality
    > there presumably is some way a human can manipulate Quality too - or
    > is the Quality simply introduced outside of the control of the
    > creating human? I presume we cannot consciously create quality, or
    > else nobody would ever produce a bad artwork unless they meant to..
    > Secondly, how is Quality deemed to behave with regard to social
    > interactions? It would certainly explain a number of apparant
    > paradoxes in social interaction, such as the fact that people can respond
    > completely differently to two other people saying essentially the same
    > thing, and when called on it attribute it to 'confidence', 'body
    > language', 'congrence' and other things - which they then cannot
    > explain. It would make sense to say that this was their rationalisation of their
    > social brain's response to the different Quality inherent in the
    > statements, which were identical in all other significant properties.
    > Or am I getting completely the wrong end of the stick here?
    > --
    > Best regards,
    > Mark
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