Re: MD Science vs. Theism: Where's The Beef?

From: ian glendinning (
Date: Thu May 12 2005 - 14:42:19 BST

  • Next message: Michael Hamilton: "MD Fwd: Pre-intellectual awareness = Dynamic Quality?"

    Interesting article Sam

    A couple of quotes
    "Not believing in God is no excuse for being virulently anti-religious
    or naively pro-science." Ian says Agreed. I keep complaining about the
    naive use of science in debates everywhere.

    "No other atheist has done more for the cause of religion than Richard
    Dawkins." Ian says - you must have heard me say exactly that a hundred
    times. Catch-22.

    "The only mature attitude to religion is to see it for what it is - a
    kind of art, which only a child could mistake for reality ..." Ian
    says - absolutely (A placebo, an opitate of the people, he goes on to
    say in his book). It can no more be false as it could conceivably be
    true in connection with reality.

    I am genuinely A-theist, but am conscious that I take an Anti-theist
    stance, but that's because I find theists arguing about "reality". If
    they didn't, I could respectfully ignore them. (As in fact I will,
    should anyone so much as suggest a "god" with any causal effect on the
    real world.) Thanks for the artice link.


    On 5/7/05, Sam Norton <> wrote:
    > Thought that people interested in this thread might like to have a look at
    > this article, written by an atheist. Good conclusion.
    > sam
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