Re: MD Access to Quality

From: David Harding (
Date: Sat May 21 2005 - 08:39:58 BST

  • Next message: Michael Hamilton: "Re: MD Access to Quality"

    Michael Hamilton stated May 19th 2005:

    “The MOQ says that the good to which truth is subordinate is
    intellectual and Dynamic usefulness, not social usefulness.”

    I need to illustrate this. Nazi ideology placed the Volksgemeinschaft
    (“people's community”, i.e. social value) as the highest moral
    objective. Therefore, the practicality to which they subordinated truth
    was pure social value. Hence, their discouragement of intellectual
    development, and instead their indoctrination of children with the
    “correct” (i.e. socially conformist) beliefs. This is a clear example of
    intellectual value (truth) being shackled to social value. It is this
    kind of practicality that the social/intellectual division of the MOQ
    disqualifies from pragmatism.

    ian glendinning wrote:

    >Interesting exchange ... and Pirsig quote from Ant
    >Not sure I understand your last phrase Michael - "MoQ disqualifiesfrom pragmatism" ? Are you saying MoQ is "qualified pragmatism" - I'mhoping - as opposded to "not" pragamtism ?
    David butts in:

    I read it as ..

    "This is a clear example of intellectual value (truth) being shackled to
    social value. It is this kind of practicality that the
    social/intellectual division of the MOQ disqualifies from [all types of
    and] pragmatism [as a whole]."

    With the 'this' in reference to the nazi socialism referred to within
    the paragraph.

    I hope this helps with the confusion.

    -David Harding

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