RE: MD Pirsig's conception of ritual

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Mon Feb 10 2003 - 03:05:14 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "RE: MD NAZIs and Pragmatism"

    Sam says: this is precisely what I'm trying to avoid - or rather, not avoid,
    just postpone temporarily. This is where the meat of our disagreements lie.
    I said earlier "are our disagreements a) over interpreting Pirsig, b) over
    applying the MoQ to religious ritual, c) about our different understandings
    of religious ritual, or d) something else again?" I think if we are really
    going to get anywhere in our thinking - if we truly are going to make each
    other think - then a little clearing of the ground before engaging mano e
    mano would be useful.

    DMB says:
    I have to say that I'm disappointed. Don't you have anything to say about
    those hundreds and hundreds of words I worked so hard to send? I feel
    cheated. Is there anything I can do to get you to respond to the thoughts
    and quotes about the transition period? Are they not relevant to the
    question of Pirsig's conception of ritual?

    Sam said:
    So: please could you condense that (very interesting) post into a rephrasing
    of element 3 (or other elements) so that we can gain some clarity over our
    agreements and disagreements with respect to Pirsig - and *then* our
    agreements and disagreements with respect to the rest. I'll then pause to
    see if anyone else wants to join in the conversation before continuing.

    DMB says:
    Maybe its just a matter of style, but I feel that the issues are far too
    complicated and inter-related to be well served by the short "elements". You
    may recall that in nearly every case I said something like "Right, but its
    more complicated than that" or "yea, but its important to remember that.."
    or "I think this needs to be more precise" and stuff like that. All this is
    a clue that I just don't think we can nail these things down in a few short
    sentences. I think it short-changes the complexity and importance of the
    issue. But I'll try if you insist. Unfortunately, it'll have to wait. Its
    time for me to go home.


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