MD Waves of perception/substance

From: Mark (
Date: Sun Jun 12 2005 - 03:33:26 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD Bolstering Bo's SOL"

    OK - intellectual discussions aside - and believe, you lot seem obsessed
    with them to the point of the actual meaning of your word almost
    entirely being obliterated by the own personal understanding of such
    words (and no I am not an f-ing retard) - point is doesn't every person
    understand words in respect to their own experience and as such - and
    said meanings of such are completely dependant upon ones own
    experience? Is that not central to what Pirsig is on about - quality is
    entirely related to the OWN experience even when it comes down to
    morals? It seems to me that most of the discussions on this mailing
    list are based entirley on people who want to ratify there own
    experience and therefore feel more normal/accepted and comfortable with
    said experience. Has anyone got the courage to stand alone and just
    "BE"? Or (?) are you all just similar (normal (within intellectual
    scope)) paradigm/advantage seeking machines?

    Anyway, anyway - (aside aside) - what I really want to know is this (and
    it is important - if only to me) does anyone out there really experience
    the substance emanating from reality/external objects - waves of
    perception that Pirsig talks about throughout his book. Or as I suspect
    none of you have actually found the harmonisation of the disperate
    sections of the brain that /quality/ actually represents. You are all
    still looking within the subset of experience that logic represents and
    existing entirely at its bounds when you should be seeing that logical
    structure (which is entirley huge) as a subsidery to your own experience
    and not the entire whole.

    Of course words are words and not experience - it's all we have between
    us, between our (quite poss.) totally different realities. So if any of
    the above is offensive to your perceptions/intellect. then accept my
    apology. No offence intended.
    Still, respond - /Please.
    /(be waiting)* Yours - MF.


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