Re: MD Primary Reality

From: ian glendinning (
Date: Sun Jun 12 2005 - 13:03:29 BST

  • Next message: Ant McWatt: "MD Bolstering Bo's SOL - Part A"

    Some great stuff in there Ant, too much for a mere mortal such as I to add much value.
    One observation and one (probably dumb) question ...
    Good to see Kosko getting into the act - must re-visit his stuff sometime. Not rocket
    science, but pragmatic exploitation of the fact thatvery little is simple
    binary all or nothing choices - the idealised dulaities are rarely applicable to the real
    world. Also, has Hofstadter been subject to previous debate on here ?
    I'm just reading Hofstadter for the first time, starting with "Godel,Escher, Bach" (blogged
    a few initial thoughts) and dipping into"Mind's I" so far ... His
    biography and his psyche on arriving at his world view is spookily similar to Pirsig's
    despite him apparently retaining a pretty materialist (serious professional
    scientist) outlook from what I can tell so far - but loops of emergent complexity across
    multiple levels, and clear Zen "sympathies" all bode for parallel ideas.
    Also a clear line of "No objective, logical formalmodel can ever relate to the real world
    without interpretation", and a strong linguistic / anthropological
    strand to that interpretation.
    Can't wait to read on.

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