Re: MD Bolstering Bo's SOL - Part A

From: Allen Barrows (
Date: Fri Jun 17 2005 - 18:04:23 BST

  • Next message: Michael Hamilton: "Re: MD Bolstering Bo's SOL - Part A"

    Hi Bo, Ant and others,

    It follows that the split into subjects and objects is just one of the
    ways in which the intellectual knife can cut. For example, a
    metaphysical hierarchy can be formed by dividing reality into dynamic
    and static quality, then dividing static quality into inorganic
    patterns, biological patterns....... and so on! I will happily say
    that intellect can divide Quality into subjects and objects, but I
    will not say that intellect _only_ divides Quality into subjects and
    Hello Mike, This is superb. You know what you are close to saying do you not. I think you are very close to saying that intellect does not necessarily split things into subjects and objects, it identifies Harmony!
    Harmony is what the intellect is after and there are examples by the hadful in ZMM of intellect doing just that.
    Thank you,

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