Re: MD Our Immoral Supreme Court

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Mon Jul 04 2005 - 13:49:04 BST

  • Next message: Horse: "Re: MD Art and the MOQ"

    > Platt 7-3-05: Hi Mark M:
    > Then I presume you consider Mark Maxwell to be a
    > happening
    > Mark 3-7-05:
    > Hi Platt, Yes.
    > that has no
    > particular identity
    > Mark 3-7-05:
    > Every happening is unique but aims for the Universal
    > DQ. Mark Maxwell and Platt Holden are unique.
    > that lasts over time and no self-awareness.
    > Mark 3-7-05:
    > Time is a pragmatic construct and happenings construct
    > it. The happenings come first. Happenings are so
    > complex and sophisticated they have become aware.

    Hi Mark M:
    So a human happening is unique, has a name, and is aware. To me that's a
    pretty good description of "self."

    > Platt:
    > Then I presume you believe it is immoral to hold some
    > people in higher
    > regard than others.
    > Mark 3-7-05:
    > Intellectualy i value some intellectual patterns more
    > than others.

    Me too, which means I hold someone like Pirsig in higher regard than

    > Platt:
    > Are not concepts about individuals, ownership,
    > freedom, etc. political
    > in
    > nature?
    > Mark 3-7-05:
    > Social patterns are learned through imitation.
    > Intellectual patterns are free to question those
    > things we learn by imitation.
    > Concepts may question individuality, ownership,
    > freedom and the nature of politics.

    Agree. That's why discussing politics on a philosophy site makes sense.

    > Platt:
    > If intellectual inquiry is based on meanings of a
    > socially-based
    > language, at what point do you divorce the inquiry
    > from the common
    > meanings of language? Seems to me if you want to
    > convince somebody of
    > your
    > intellectual perspective, you have to use language
    > whose meanings she
    > understands.
    > Mark 3-7-05:
    > Well, i WAS convinced by language i understood. (And
    > found in MOQ literature too.)
    > And i also thought for myself in an open and free
    > manner and found the arguments to be good.

    Ok, but I wonder why you use small letter i to refer to yourself -- oops,
    I mean your happening.

    > Platt:
    > I agree ownership is a social level value pattern. But
    > so is language
    > and
    > a other social patterns that support the intellectual
    > level without
    > which
    > the intellectual level cannot function.
    > Mark 3-7-05:
    > Well shhhhhhhhhh and be quite then! We can sit back
    > and let the social level go about its business while
    > we talk intellectual value.

    Wish that were true, but things can happen at the social level while we're
    not looking that can block intellectual value, like laws being enacted to
    punish people with unacceptable thoughts.
    > Platt:
    > The question is, "What political system do you think
    > is best for
    > enhancing Quality?"
    > Mark 3-7-05:
    > That is a call for an essay!
    > Blimey!
    > Allow me to give an outline:
    > The best political system for enhancing Quality is one
    > devised by intellectuals with an emphasis on the
    > Dynamic code of Art.
    > Howzat?

    That's good. Now fill in the details.


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